November 14, 2012

Contending With Contentment

After I moved out of the house, I would come back and visit my father over the Holidays. He would always ask me, “Son, are you happy?”  Deep down I think he was really asking me if I was content. 

Happiness is something that comes and goes. It is about excitement, fun, moments, actions, and material things. Contentment is something that lasts. It's about going with the flow, enjoying the satisfaction of work, and appreciating nature and life

I was pretty content when I was young but over the years I have found myself struggling a bit.
Life can sometimes beat us down, especially if we are in a season of having to deal with hardships. We can easily get focused on the negatives.

Here are some tips to finding contentment, even if you are in the middle of a mess.

Be who you are
You can only be content if you become who you are. Don’t live other people’s life by trying to meet their expectations. People may expect you to have certain job or certain way of living but don’t be intimidated by them. Find who you are and be yourself.

Forget the past
You won’t be happy if you carry the burden of the past. Did you make mistakes? Did you have terrible experiences? Whatever they are, let them go. There’s nothing you can do about the past, so you’d better let them go and focus your energy on the present.

Take responsibility for your life
No matter how bad a situation is, you can always choose how you respond to it. People will annoy you, but it’s up to you whether or not you will resent. But, you and I shouldn’t blame someone else when something goes wrong. Take the responsibility and we have the power to choose.

Build relationships
Life’s truest happiness is found in friendships we make along the way.
Relationships are where we can get true contentment in life. The reason is simple: only through relationships can we love and be loved. Make relationships your top priority and you are on your way to true happiness.

Develop multiple passions
Passions lead you to contentment. So not only should you discover your multiple passions, you should also expand yourself to new passions. This way you will create new ways to happiness.
The key to expanding to new passions is curiosity. If you are curious, you will have an endless stream of exciting things waiting for you.

Count your blessings
Contentment will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.
Being happy is easy if we are grateful. Unfortunately, seeing what we don’t have is often easier than seeing what we have. Sometimes we need to experience loss before appreciating what we have. So don’t take things for granted. Look at what you have and soon you will have plenty of reasons to be content.
I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. - Philippians 4:11

Can you add something to this list? I’d love to hear from you.

1 comment:

aj said...

Thanks Steve
A word in season at a time of family bereavement -speaks volumes across the divides between people