September 06, 2012

Dare To Be Different

I have noticed a lot of people are fired up on both sides of the political spectrum as we head towards the November elections. I see people tearing down each other’s candidates and unfortunately, the people supporting them. In the midst of this ugliness I want to encourage you to be different, become a people-builder.

The key to building up people is kindness -- giving them what they need and not what they deserve.  

When you consider the way Jesus built up people, He did three things: challenged, encouraged, and spoke honestly.
Jesus challenged people to be all God made them to be. God doesn’t want you to waste your life!

Challenge your family and friends to live beyond themselves and to discover their strengths and abilities. God has given each of us some special abilities, and he wants us to use them to help each other. We’re to pass on to others God's many kinds of blessings.

You can play a critical role in this way by helping the ones you love to discover their strengths and abilities, and then challenging them to use them. By the way, a critical attitude is not a gift!

Help someone understand how special their gifts are – that we will all miss out on a blessing if they don’t use the gifts given them. It’s like a singer who never sings; we miss out on the blessing that would come from hearing the voice. We are meant to be a blessing to others.

We should consider the good of our neighbor and build up his character. Romans 15:2

Instead of tearing down someone today, consider how you can build them up.

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